Our Services

Individual Coaching
Individual Coaching consists of three sessions. The first session is used to get to know each other and to identify your needs and what you would like to achieve. This is a one and a half hour session. If you’re overwhelmed or stressed for example, identifying what the stressor is and learning how to process things in more resourceful ways, will remove the stress reaction. The second and third sessions, both an hour in duration, work on strategies and ways to deal with your issue, providing you with the tools and resources which you need. It is not always possible to change the actual difficulty you face but changing your reaction to it, is the key to having better quality of life.
One to One Coaching Sessions can cover many different topics including:
Stress and Anxiety Management / Coping Skills
Goal Setting Strategies / Personal Development
Confidence Building / Changing Unresourceful Behaviours
Often people like to return on a monthly or six week basis, after the initial three sessions are completed. It’s totally flexible and we can develop an appointment schedule which meets your individual needs.
€60 per session
Study Skills & Planning
Do you know how to Study? Teachers tell us to Study, Parents tell us to Study, but nobody ever really tells us how to Study.
If you know how to do something, then it is simple but if you don’t know, it’s impossible. How often have you been dissatisfied with your results, blaming yourself for your results? The real reason for failure is not knowing how? If you don’t know how to Study, where to start, then a Study Skills is definitely for you. It stands to reason that if you study in the best way for you, then the results will be a lot better, so come along and identify what works best for you.
Find out how to study, when and where to study, what works and what doesn’t. Learn how to design a realistic and achieveable Study Plan that works for you and with you. One that you will follow (not just a fancy piece of wall art). If the Study Plan is worked around you and how you study best, you have a much better chance of sticking to it and getting the results you want.
Individual Session - €75
Group Sessions (4 people) - €40

Weight Management
Have you tried every diet known to man from the Cabbage Diet, Juice Diet, Eat all the Meat Diet or Survive on Thin Air Diet, just to end up back where you started. The main stumbling block of most diets is that they deny you things. Once you feel you can’t have something, then you start wanting it (even if it’s something you would never normally think of eating in a million years).
By depriving yourself, you are going against you own psychology, we always want what we can’t have. We only ever think of either losing or gaining weight, when the really important thing is maintaining weight. In order to get to where you want to be, you need to know your triggers, your patterns and your behaviours. Simple changes in your behaviours and beliefs will help you to achieve. Weight is holistic, involving your body, mind and internal dialogue. Weight goals, like all other goals have to be realistic, achieveable, sustainable and measurable. Small changes and shifts in your lifestyle are what you are aiming for. These are what will make the difference. Your body is a wonderful vessel that brings you through this life, enabling you to experience all the love, joy and pleasure that exists in the world. It is time to stop denying yourself, and to start working on the best way to get the most out of your body. It’s time to treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve.
Weight Management Package - €150
Ecotherapy (Walk & Talk)
If you are uncomfortable in a face to face session, then this is an ideal alternative for you. We go for a walk and talk about what you want and how to get it. It can be easier for some people to talk when they’re walking side by side and if that is what you prefer, then I can accommodate it. Being out in nature relaxes and revitalises, making it easier to relate. Skerries is a beautiful place, a walk by the beach is very calming, making talking more natural and easy. Just chatting about your situation with a Coach can make it much clearer, helping you find your best solution. And you get the added benefit of being outside in the fresh air.
One hour Session - €60

Phobias are just patterns of behaviours. We know that they are irrational but that doesn’t stop us from going into our stress response. Phobia behaviours are learned behaviours and if you can learn them then you can also unlearn them. Working on the patterns and triggers of the behaviour gives us an insight into how and what to change, and in NLP we want the change to be unconscious and automatic. So if your phobia is holding you back, now is the time to address it and change it.
Phobia Package - €100
Chronic illness management
Living with chronic illness and pain is devastating. It can be incredibly difficult to manage, especially with the resulting fatigue that accompanies it. It’s hard to understand and explain especially if it is an invisible illness. And we can be our own worst enemies, overdoing things when we know we should stop and rest. However some simple changes in lifestyle can make a huge difference. Having a personal Plan of Management is the key as it removes a lot of stress. Managing your illness or pain means that you can plan for the times when you are at your lowest. Having effective strategies, designed by you for you, will help lessen the burden. I will assist you in realising and optimising your options, guiding you to find the resources you need to improve the quality of your life.
​Individual Sessions - €60